Winning Connections mobilizes constituents and voters to impact 
legislation and win elections.

We’ve Been Winning Since ‘96

We are the nation’s premier phone firm.

Over 25+ years, we’ve engaged millions of constituents and voters with live calling and texting programs.

Whatever your priorities, our phone programs will amplify your message.


Our Clients

Campaigns, corporations, interest groups, and associations trust us to make the calls that make the difference.

Our clients win.

We've won up and down the ballot and across the nation, earning more awards than any other firm in our industry.

  • Passing Illinois Assault Weapons Ban

    In January of 2023, we helped pass a historic assault weapon ban by connecting 24,000 gun safety advocates with their legislators.

  • Passing The Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

    We built bipartisan political support for the infrastructure bill by connecting tens of thousands of constituents with Congress.

  • Passing Maryland Gaming Ballot Initiative

    We had two million live conversations with Marylanders, convincing them to vote to expand gaming, fund schools, and create jobs.